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  • Nagoya University
  • Division of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University
  • World Premier International Research Center (WPI) Initiative
  • Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM)
  • International Association of Sexual Plant Reproduction Research


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Optical Technology Group

Yoko Mizuta (Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2016)

NamePRESTO Researcher/ ITbM Visiting Academic Staff


Research Articles



1) Kurihara D, Mizuta Y, Sato Y, Higashiyama T. (2015) ClearSee: a rapid optical clearing reagent for whole-plant fluorescence imaging. Development 142: 4168-4179. *Cover of the issue


2) Mizuta Y, Kurihara D, Higashiyama T.  (2015) Two-photon imaging with longer wavelength excitation in intact Arabidopsis tissues, Protoplasma 252:  1231-1240.


3) Mizuta Y, Higashiyama T. (2014) Antisense gene inhibition by phosphorothioate antisense oligonucleotide in Arabidopsis pollen tubes, Plant J. 78: 516-526.


4) Horade M, Yanagisawa N, Mizuta Y, Higashiyama T, Arata H. (2014) Growth assay of individual pollen tubes arrayed by microchannel device. Microelectronic Engineering. 118: 25-28.


5) Horade M, Mizuta Y, Kaji N, Higashiyama T, and Arata H. (2012) Plant-on-a-chip microfluidic-system for quantitative analysis of pollen tube guidance by signaling molecule: Towards cell-to-cell communication study. microTAS 2012. Oct., Nov.



6) Mizuta Y, Harushima Y and Kurata N. (2010)Rice pollen hybrid incompatibility caused by reciprocal gene loss of duplicated genes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 47: 20417-20422. *Cover of the issue


7) Fujita M, Horiuchi Y, Ueda Y, Mizuta Y, Kubo T, Yano K, Yamaki S, Tsuda K, Nagata T, Niihama M, Kato H, Kikuchi S, Hamada K, Mochizuki T, Ishimizu T, Iwai H, Tsutsumi N and Kurata N. (2010) Rice expression atlas in reproductive development. Plant Cell Physiol. 51: 2060-2081.


8) Amano J, Nakazawa D, Kuwayama S, MizutaY, Okuno H, Watanabe Y, Godo T, Han DS and Nakano M. (2009) Intergeneric hybridization among Colchicaceous ornamentals, Gloriosa spp., Littonia modesta and Sandersonia aurantiaca via ovule culture. Plant Biotechnology. 26: 535–541.


9) Suwabe K, Suzuki G, Takahashi H, Shiono K, Endo M, Yano K, Fujita M, Masuko H, Saito H, Fujioka T, Kaneko F, Kazama T, Mizuta Y, Kawagishi-Kobayashi M, Tsutsumi N, Kurata N, Nakazono M, Watanabe M.(2008)Separated transcriptomes of male gametophyte and tapetum in rice: validity of a laser microdissection (LM) microarray.Plant Cell Physiology.49: pp1407-1416.


10) Hobo T, Suwabe K, Aya K, Suzuki G, Yano K, Ishimizu T, Fujita M, Kikuchi S, Hamada K, Miyano M, Fujioka T, Kaneko F, Kazama T, Mizuta Y, Takahashi H, Shiono K, Nakazono M, Tsutsumi N, Nagamura Y, Kurata N, Watanabe M, Matsuoka M.(2008)Various spatiotemporal expression profiles of anther-expressed genes in rice. Plant Cell Physiology.49: pp1417-1428.


11) Amano J, Kuwayama S, Mizuta Y, Godo T, Okuno H and Nakano M. (2008) Morphological characterization of three intergeneric hybrids among Gloriosa superba ‘Lutea’, Littonia modesta and Sandersonia aurantiaca (Colchicaceae). HortScience. 43: 115–118.


12) Amano J, Kuwayama S, Mizuta Y, Oomiya T, Nakamura T and Nakano M. (2007) Early identification of intra- and intergeneric hybrids among Colchicaceous ornamentals, Gloriosa spp., Littonia modesta Hook. and Sandersonia aurantiaca Hook., by flow cytometry and random amplified polymorphic DNA analyses. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science. 76: 73–78.V



13) Kuwayama S, Mizuta Y, Nakano M, Nakamura T and Oomiya T. (2005) Cross-compatibility in interspecific and intergeneric hybridization among the Colchicaceous ornamentals, Gloriosa spp., Littonia modesta and Sandersonia aurantiacaActa Hort. (ISHS) 673:421-427.

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